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The S-E-A Automated Test Driver (ATD) is ideal for testing the performance and handling of a vehicle. The ATD combines the Automated Steering Controller (ASC) and Brake-Throttle Robot (BTR), along with GPS based path planning to provide a turn-key vehicle driving system for completely unmanned vehicle testing.
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Detailed Specs
A single electronics box controls both the ASC and BTR, as well as provides data acquisition. The subsystems ASC and BTR can be used independently to perform vehicle testing that does not require the complete system. The ATD can be easily programmed to provide any type of steering profile, allowing users to generate precisely controlled and repeatable steering maneuvers. Steering profiles can also be derived from feedback based on vehicle responses or outside triggers.
The ATD can be utilized with a human in the vehicle, or not. Rollovers and crashes can be performed without concern for a human occupant’s safety and tests can be accurately repeated due to the removal of the inherent variability involved with a human driver.
The ATD is available for both on and off-highway vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). S-E-A can also create and implement complex scenarios to validate the performance of autonomous vehicles. Through an easy to customize software platform, users can coordinate the movement of multiple unmanned vehicles and other potential hazards to interact with a subject vehicle. Driving robots equipped with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications allow our system to maintain control of every test scenario the user can create. This controlled, unmanned test environment allows automotive manufacturers to ensure their autonomous driving systems react to their surroundings and maneuver as expected.